Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tuesday April 8th

We truly served the greatest in God's eyes. Today was a surprise. We didn't have anything originally planned for the day and an opportunity arose. A small house church in the area we were staying in, that was founded by our host missionary's language teacher, wanted us to come and help them reach the young kids in the neighborhood. Many children came out.

We worshiped through song, we danced, we put on a puppet show, and we told stories. Today was the day that God really clarified the message he wanted us to preach going forward and it is: "With Jesus in your boat, you can smile at the storm." Or to put it another way, "Always trust Jesus!"

Today is an answer to our prayers, our team is together in focus, in love, and a passion to reach and to teach. But today was different, we were all together and knew exactly what needed to be done and everyone stepped in and pulled together. We had the quickest stage setup, the most organized program, and God honed our message clearly.

God honored our efforts through the many who prayed to receive salvation, and discipleship was reinforced through a spur of the moment creative show.

When it was all said and done God had used us up for the day. The team went for lunch, out to a new area of ministry opportunity where the door was closed in the last hour, and we went back to our guest units to rest.

What is so refreshing about our work here is the abundant gratitude of the children and the adults alike. The ministry we did today helped that church understand how to reach the lost on an ongoing basis and how to creatively disciple their young children.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome! It looks like everyone all around is being blessed by this visit. Looking forward to more updates.