Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wednesday April 9th 2008

The lowest servants in the house...
Beginning with praise and worship through song and ending with hugs and handshakes, this morning we served those who serve. We equipped Pastor's this morning at a weekly gathering of about 30 local area pastors. Our two pastors (Will and Sarnaa) equipped them with discipleship training with talks that challenged the pastors to utilize their youth in building their churches and to raise people to be leaders.

The ladies had a special time of encouragement and fellowship together in God's word. Where they also gave talks and challenged the women leaders and pastor's wives in discipleship and raising up young women who will lead and build up others.

As these pastors gather here weekly, we were welcome as those from "Dr. Stanley's church" in Atlanta. We sat with the pastors, prayed with the pastors, and was also equipped by Dr. Stanley, via DVD, with the pastors.

The look on those pastors' faces when we presented the signed copies of "Living the Extraordinary Life" said it all. Each pastor went home with a signed book, a set of CD's, a creative evangelism method, and equipped to begin discipling their young and old. Although these pastors face the same level of poverty as their people, they remain optimistic, and joyous. They desperately need your support.

Huge welcoming...
We journeyed from the pastors seminar to another part of town where over 100 children were ready to greet us. And greet us they did. As soon as our van pulled up, we heard almost 200 little voices yelling "They're here!" These children were ready and many prayed to receive Christ once the gospel was presented. The pictures tell the full story:


AnDrea said...

WOW! Isn't amazing to see God's awesome saving power!

INGRID: How are you handling the heat dear? How early are you getting up for your QT these days? What has God taught you so far? What has He shown you? I can't wait to hear about it. Our usual spot?(lol) I miss my big sister. I also don't mind telling you that I miss the other half of our devotions.(SMILE) Love You!

DREW: Well now sir, it seems you are a children magnet mo matter where you go. It's a good thing you have such a big heart or the Costa Rica children would not understand(SMILE). Isn't it amazing how God gives us peace in the midst of our storms. You just Got to love Him. Ok, full report from you needed and wanted. Love Ya!

RICHARD: What a wonderful gift He gave us when He blessed us with the the gift of music. It has to be refreshiong to lead worship in this capacity. What an honor it is to serve the Most High. I know he is using you in others ways as well. I can't wait to hear how. Miss You!

KRISTEN: Hi sweetie. Ok, my one big question for you is how has God revealed Himself to you today? Yesterday? ETC... Isn't it great to surrender full to Him and watch Him work? How is He equipping you for your ministry back in the states. Details when you get back. Miss You!

TO THE TEAM: Stay focused on God. Put Him first. Consult Him in everything. Continue to teach, build up and ecourage eachother.HAVE FUN!!!


brandy nicole said...

so good to read all this! i'm praying for you guys and i love reading how God's answering... super encouraging. i pray He's encouraging each of you abundantly and using you beyond your wildest imagination!

Carla said...

That is amazing! God really prepared the soil for this day. It warms my heart to see the harvest of children ready to receive the Lord, and to see Drew amongst them,lol. Can't wait to hear more.

Becca said...

Hey, I miss you guys! I can't wait to see our pictures from today!